Asia-Pacific or Asia Pacific (abbreviated as Asia-Pac, AsPac, APAC, APJ, JAPA or JAPAC) is the part of the world in or near the Western Pacific Ocean. The region varies in size depending on context, but it typically includes much of East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.



Transformative Justice Network

Meetings between the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) forum – the world’s largest regional grouping – represent an important global constituency in a world increasingly defined and structured around regions, regional communities and regional powers. In collaboration with one of our educational partners, University of Guadalajara, Mexico we are continuing to participate and move forward the agenda of equality and cultural sensitivity to meet the needs of indigenous peoples.

Our Task

Effectuate policy changes within indigenous populations for alternative justice development.

Our Agencies & Local Partners

WYB, Diplofin; WUN Asia-Pacific International Relations Network, University of Guadalajara, Mexico